Hornchurch 6

MAT Performance Measures

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Multi Academy Trust Performance Measures: 2022 - 2023

Hornchurch Academy Trust was due to be included in the performance measures from September 2020, however this was not the case due to COVID-19 and the government announcement not to publish any performance data.  This was also the case for 2021 and 2022.  The most recent 2023 information can be accessed by using the link above. 

The 2023 performance data places Hornchruch Academy Trust 37th of 1157 MATs nationally.

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Scargill Infant School & Nursery

Head of School
Miss D McGahey
Scargill Infant School & NurseryMungo Park Road, Rainham, Essex, RM13 7PL
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Scargill Infant School & Nursery