Hornchurch 9

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2024)

Hornchurch Academy Trust is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.

Most recently, the Department for Education has published an updated version of the statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ which came into force on 1st September 2024.  This makes clear the roles and responsibilities that school has.

Keeping Children Safe in Education - View document online here

Safeguarding responsibilities within the Trust:

  • Mrs S Warshow – Designated Safeguarding Lead (Whybridge Junior School)
  • Mrs D McGahey – Designated Safeguarding Lead (Scargill Infant School)
  • Mrs H Graham  – Designated Safeguarding Lead (Scargill Junior School)
  • Mrs H Lendon - Designated Safeguarding Lead (Upminster Infant School)
  • Miss A Edgcombe - Designated Safeguarding Lead (Upminster Junior School)
  • Mrs C Holder - Designated Safeguarding Lead (Shears Green Infant School)
  • Ms G Thumpston (Board of Trustees)  

Local Authority Designated Officer:

Statutory guidance and procedures state that every Council has a duty to manage allegations and concerns about any person who works with children and young people in their area. This includes Council staff, staff or partner agencies and volunteers.

To contact the Havering LADO:

Havering Local Authority Designated Officer

Telephone: 01708 431653

To contact the Kent LADO:

Kent Local Authority Designated Officer 

Telephone: 03000 41 08 88

What each school must do:

  • A child should be able to go to school and feel safe so that they can achieve their very best.
  • Everybody who works or volunteers at Hornchurch Academy Trust will have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to make sure they are safe to work with children and then trained to identify child abuse and what to do if they are concerned.
  • Each school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a Safeguarding team who are fully trained in Safeguarding procedures.
  • We will always listen to you and work closely with you if we are concerned about your child but, sometimes, we may not be able to discuss our concern. The school has a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which tells you more about this and when we must speak to the Police or Children’s Services. You can see this policy on the school website.
  • We will help your child to learn about keeping themselves safe. Lessons can include healthy eating, stranger danger, anti-bullying, online safety, road safety, healthy relationships, drug and alcohol awareness. As part of these lessons your child will be told what to do if they are worried or concerned about their safety.

What parents/carers should do:

  • Parents are the most important people to keep their children safe. You should always:
  • Feel confident to raise concerns about your child.
  • Talk to school if you need help or support.
  • Read the school policies about safety issues (available on school website).
  • Let the school know if your child has a medical condition.
  • Let the school know if you have any court orders relating to the safety of your child.
  • Let the school know if there is a change in your circumstances such as a house move, a new contact number, a change of name, a change of parental responsibility.
  • Let us know who will be dropping off or collecting your child and two other emergency contacts.
  • Inform the school of any changes to agreed arrangements.
  • Let the school know if your child is going to be absent and the reason why.
  • Inform the school (confidentially) if you have any concerns or suspicions about the safety of any other children.

Where to find out more:

General safeguarding information


High quality information to parents and carers about their childrens wellbeing.


Online safety from CEOP


Online Safety


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Scargill Infant School & Nursery

Head of School
Miss D McGahey
Scargill Infant School & NurseryMungo Park Road, Rainham, Essex, RM13 7PL
View Full Profile
Scargill Infant School & Nursery